Die Tanzania Railway Corporation TRC hat am 26. Februar 2024 die erste offizielle Testfahrt des SGR-Zuges von Daressalam in die Region Morogoro begonnen.
Der Generaldirektor der Tanzania Railway Corporation (TRC), Masanja Kadogosa anlässlich des Events: „Es ist eine Frage des Stolzes für die Tansanier, es ist ein großer Erfolg für unsere Nation. Wissen Sie, solche Reisen wurden vor 100 Jahren von den Deutschen durchgeführt, aber jetzt sind hier 95 % der Experten.“ Die Präsidenten von Tansania, Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan hat angeordnet, dass im Juli dieses Jahres auch die Verbindung bis Dodoma eröffnet werden soll.
Die letzte Testfahrt dieser Art sollte 1914 unter deutscher Kolonialverwaltung durchgeführt werden. Die offiziellen Eröffnungsfeierlichkeiten für die Mittellandbahn von Dar nach Kigoma am Tanganjikasee waren für den August 1914 geplant. Doch am 28. Juli 2014 begann der Erste Weltkrieg.
TRC hat am 30. Dezember 2023, drei neue elektrische Lokomotiven aus Südkorea erhalten. Die Regierung hat über TCR 17 neue Lokomotiven und 59 neue Personenwagen für den Bahnbetrieb gekauft. Bisher hat die Gesellschaft vier Lokomotiven erhalten, von 17 Hyundai Rotem und 56 von 59 Waggons des Unternehmens SSRST. Die restlichen Waggons werden voraussichtlich im Februar 2024 und die restlichen bis April 2024 eintreffen.
The minister of transport announced that SGR will commence services end of January 2024.
The Citizen, Saturday, December 02, 2023
KICHWA kipya cha treni ya umeme chenye namba ya usajili E6800-01 kilichoundwa na Kampuni ya ‘Hyundai Rotem Company’ (HRC) kimewasili nchini Tanzania kutoka nchini Korea Kusini.
Mambo yamenoga SGR
Bundespräsident in Tansania Okt./Nov. 2023
The Citizen,
All railway stations along the German-built central railway line depict German features
„All railway stations along the German-built central railway line depict German features. We see this in Dar es Salaam, and it is heartening to learn that the old Dar es Salaam Railway Station building is not to be demolished in the light of the new SGR station.
Other impressive railway station buildings are to be found at Dodoma, Tabora, Kigoma and elsewhere. There are also other impressive German buildings like the Ocean Road Hospital in Dar es Salaam. These buildings are in a poor condition and need maintenance and restoration. They need to be preserved. “
THE first six of 30 former German made double-deck coaches exported to Tanzania arrived early June.
The ex-DB coaches were purchased from German Rail (DB) in 2022, were overhauled and repainted in the white and orange livery of Tanzania Railways (TRC). The interiors retain DB Regio seating. The coaches will be used by TRC on the new 25kV ac electrified Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) from Dar es Salaam to Morogoro.
Source: https://www.railjournal.com/fleet/first-double-deck-coaches-arrive-in-tanzania-for-standard-gauge-railway/
THE government has said that due process was followed in tendering the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project from Tabora- Kigoma.
Deputy Minister for Works, Fred Mwakibete on Thursday said in Parliament that all the required procedures including consultations to ensure the right costs were followed.
https://dailynews.co.tz/tabora-kigoma-sgr-observed-procurement-rules/ Source
The Citizen: As a result of the crackdown Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC) and Tanzania Government Flight Agency (TGFA) on Sunday, became the first casualties of the CAG report, after President Samia dissolved the TRC Board and sacked the flight agency’s Director General John Nzulule. https://www.thecitizen.co.tz/tanzania/news/national/over-sh2-trillion-embezzled-in-2021-22-by-tanzania-govt-officials-says-tundu-lissu-4195346
According to the CAG, Tanzania Railway Corporation (TRC) twice rejected the tender to purchase the locomotives and passenger couches from the lowest bidder … and instead made a non-competitive purchase of $478 million. The decision … cost the tax payer an additional $215 million (Sh507.4 billion). https://www.thecitizen.co.tz/tanzania/news/national/president-samia-sacks-flight-agency-boss-dissolves-trc-board-4193738 (Monday, April 10, 2023)